EuroKat 8 Denemarken 2018


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Auteur Topic: EuroKat 8 Denemarken 2018  (gelezen 13142 keer)

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  • *****
5 okt 2017, 18:33
I am sorry this is not in your native tongue , but . I am Fossie , chairman of the katana owners club in the UK.
I joined your forum so I can invite you and keep you informed of the next European katana meeting ( EuroKat 8)

 All we have at the moment is the dates  . Demark  August 17/18/19 2018. The location will be confirmed as soon as we know more.

It would be good if we can get some of the Nederland club to join us.
 There is usually about 150 attendees. The previous meetings  have been , in  North France, England, Germany ,
Wales ,South France,Switzerland, Central Germany..
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

  • *****
7 okt 2017, 12:42
ah daar is Fossie weer, mooi op tijd voor de Eurokat deze keer, hij heeft mij er ook al eens over gemaild in het verleden, of er niet een Eurokat in Nederland georganiseerd kon worden.

Ik zou best wel ff op de popup die kant op willen rijden  ::)
Hoe denken jullie er over?

  • *****
10 nov 2017, 20:22
Effe update van Fossie op de juiste plek geplakt:

Third weekend in August. 17-19
Venue is
Soren has booked a pitch for us.
No reservation needed for tents and cabins are available but not bookable till January 1St.
Will post more info as and when I get some.

WHOOP WHOOP. ;D :) :) :)
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

  • *****
10 nov 2017, 22:56
835km rijden vanaf Hoorn ::)

  • *****
11 nov 2017, 20:05
835km rijden vanaf Hoorn ::) 5x tanken met de Popup-special?   :P
Hoedanook best een stukkie rijden.. Onder motorvakantieganger s lijken de meningen verdeeld over DK. Van ontzettend saai tot mooi glooiend landschap in sommige delen..
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

  • *****
12 nov 2017, 13:49 5x tanken met de Popup-special?   :P

Uh.. ja minimaal 5 keer ja haha
Kan beter een jerrycan benzine meenemen met zo'n trip

En wat betreft de rit daarheen, ik ben nog nooit in Denemarken geweest, weet dus ook niet precies hoe het rijden daar is.. :-\
Maar ik sta nog steeds wel open voor een ritje naar Eurokat [yes]


  • *
3 apr 2018, 18:49
Hello folks,
Søren sends the invitation Flyer. I'm not able to upload it though because of size restrictions as it seams. So if somebody is willing to give me his email addy I'll send it to you and you might share the flyer here.

We all hope you made up your mind and attend the meet.


  • *****
3 apr 2018, 22:55
Hi Pedda,

I found the below invitation flyer on both the UK and German Katana Owner forums.
Is this the image you were trying to upload here? (It is rather small..?)

Nice graphics, but I hope the red splatter refers to curry sauce for Bockwurst rather than blood?  :D

Btw, is there a Danish Katana (owners) club (website)?
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

  • *
5 apr 2018, 17:48
Yes,that's what I tried to upload.

There is no more Danish KOC since the mid ninetees any more. Therefore no website.

Those bike graphics will be on the meeting t-shirt, as far as I know.

  • *
4 aug 2018, 15:57
So, how's things going on here?

If the distance is a bit steep, you got the possibility to start on thurstday to Husum. We are hosted by a bikers club in their club home. BBQ, beer and a breakfast the other day for only a little fee. Then do the rest of the journey to the rally site on friday. about 20 German Kat riders will do so, you're not allone, you see.  ;D

Whaddaya think? Any definite takers?  [whip] Then I'll get you booked and give you the link to that club site.

  • *****
5 aug 2018, 01:55
Hey Pedda, thanks for your efforts to drum up interest for taking part in the 2018 Eurokat, but from the lack of response in this topic you can already conclude there are no collective plans (yet) to travel to Denmark. Maybe a few single members are drawing their own plans though, I don't know.

For me personally the distance is indeed an issue (I hate Autobahn fahren). But I'm sure for others that is far less an obstacle, and perhaps even part of the fun?

With such a large German delegation I'm sure the Eurokat will be succesfull despite our probable non-attendance.
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .