Hello from UK



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5 okt 2017, 00:17
 I am sorry this is not in your native tongue , but . I am Fossie , chairman of the katana owners club in the UK.
I joined your forum so I can invite you and keep you informed of the next European katana meeting ( EuroKat 8)

 All we have at the moment is the dates  . Demark  August 17/18/19 2018. The location will be confirmed as soon as we know more.

It would be good if we can get some of the Nederland club to join us.
 There is usually about 150 attendees. The previous meetings  have been , in  North France, England, Germany ,
Wales ,South France,Switzerland, Central Germany..

  • *****
5 okt 2017, 18:21
Hi Fossie!

Thanks for taking the trouble of registering to our forum and posting your invite to the next Eurokat.
Despite vague earlier plans we've never actually been to such a European Katana meeting, but who knows what the future holds.  ;)
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

  • *****
7 okt 2017, 12:48
Hey Fossie, welcome to the dutch katana forum.

I would like to visit the Eurokat if I can, let us know when you have more details, location etc.


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7 nov 2017, 00:28
Third weekend in August. 17-19
Venue is http://www.touringcamp.dk
Soren has booked a pitch for us.
No reservation needed for tents and cabins are available but not bookable till January 1St.
Will post more info as and when I get some.

WHOOP WHOOP. ;D :) :) :)

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8 mrt 2018, 00:17
Sorry for the English [no]
Just to say that about 14 of us Brits will be arriving at Europort and Hook van Holland on Thursday 16 th August in the morning. Then travelling together up to Hamburg for the evening.  Stopping for fuel and food near the border area near Osnabruck, possibly.
Then on Friday morning we will be travelling up to the site in Denmark on Friday.

We will be travelling back on Sunday , staying about Hamburg on Sunday night , ready for the Ferries on Monday night..
 We  now know that some Swedish katana will be there  [tu].

You are welcome to join us.

  • *****
8 mrt 2018, 18:27
Thanks for the heads-up.  [tu]
Still unclear about our own participation in the event, but at least the Brits will show up with quite an impressive delegation!

Sorry for the English [no]

Well.. Better than the other way around, I'd say. Now you have the burden of making sense of us trying to speak/write a foreign language.   :P
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

  • *****
14 mrt 2018, 21:06
Well I want to go Eurokat, never been there, sounds like fun

But I think we will talk about it on our first clubmeeting of 2018 [tu]

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8 aug 2018, 00:31
Ok so just over a week to go, we wondered if we would have any of our Dutch enthusiasts joining us.
We now know that we will 2 groups arriving in Rotterdam within a few hours of each other on  the Thursday morning about 10 am and are booked in to a bike friendly motel near Hamburg airport for the Thursday night. We should be there around 1630 hrs ...... Showered in the bar/ restaurants by 1800.
 Friday morning leave about 10am on site in Denmark mid afternoon.. In the bar by...... [winky] [winky]

Fancy joining us?

  • *****
8 aug 2018, 23:29
Hi Fossie, Thanks for sharing your plans with us and your invitation to come and join you. However as I replied to Pedda recently, there are no plans to visit the EuroKat as a collective due to lack of interest. Perhaps individual members or other Dutch Katana owners have developed their own plans, but I'm not aware of those.
So wishing you Brits lots of fun in Denmark, but also slightly sad to see you rush through our country without enjoying especially the rivers-area spanning East to West.
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

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22 nov 2019, 00:23
Hi sorry this is in English again.
2 things.   First the next EuroKat is in the south of France in August is anyone from the Dutch club going?
Some of us Brits are meeting at a property in the North of France and riding down  together the Thursday before , is anyone on here interested?

Secondly in 2022 we the UK CLUB. should be organising the next EuroKat .
We have 2 chioces , we can do Scotland ...OR we can help the Dutch club organise in Holland , we can fund it.
All we need is a venue , a band , rock disco , camping with Hotels near by.  What do you think?

Thank you for your time and the translation if needed.

  • *****
22 nov 2019, 21:56
Hi again Fossie!

Thanks for the update regarding all things EuroKat.  [tu]
But as you will have noticed the general interest among KatanaClub members in taking part has always been rather modest. As a "club" we do value your activities and enthousiasm for keeping the "Katana spirit" alive, but it seems Dutch enthousiasm is generally on a far lower -or at least different- level.
Still I'd like to be open minded and not rule anything out. Especially if some members feel they do want to be part of the next Eurokat meeting or the one after that, I can only encourage them.

Also 2022 seems like a very long time in the future to me personally, but perhaps other members do plan things as far ahead as that.
Of course the NL can be a great place for large bike meetings, but will probably not measure up against the beautiful roads of Scotland. The NL are also very overcrowded, so to avoid getting stuck and making sure the "good spots" are visited, careful planning ahead is important.
As for potential venues etc, this is always tricky over here but there are a number of small bike campings around the country. But for organising events and such you'll need to get a permit, and hosting a rock band/disco comes with a lot more red tape.
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

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23 nov 2019, 23:18
Thanks arnout..
It was just an idea , we at the UK CLUB pay a subs  fee every year so that we have funds to pay for events , so unlike other clubs it isn't down to one member to pay and hope the event pays it back ...

The 2022 date seems a long way off but that is because each EuroKat is every 2 years.....We can organise the event in a few weeks , but thought we would ask yourselves in case you needed help.
NO problem we will organise something , i
We will let you know in good time..

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15 sep 2021, 22:51
 [winky] hello all its me again!
Just to give notice that the next EuroKat meeting will be hosted by the UK club in the UK  The actual location is still to be finalised but the dates are August Friday 19-Sunday 22 2022.

It will be Northern England/ Scotland  so ferries to Hull and Newcastle from Rotterdam, are appropriate . [yes]

  • *****
17 sep 2021, 20:11
Hi Fossie!

Good to hear the Kat Owners Club UK wil be organizing the next EuroKat. August 2022 sounds like a long time away still, but hopefully by then the whole corona "situation" will have become a thing of the past and will not hamper international travel or social gatherings.
                                        .. . . .  .  .   .

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11 apr 2022, 22:34
On this day I would like to formally invite you to attend EUROKat 10 ( EK10). :mrgreen:  :)

19-22 August 2022
Ripon Rubgy club North Yorkshire . Mallorie Park Dr, Ripon HG4 2QD.

£20 ticket includes
Friday evening curry , Saturday & Sunday continental breakfast. Saturday BBQ . BANDS& music..
Camping with showers .

Real ales and other beers at bar.

Ride out on Saturday , silly games , awards / trophies .

Site opens 1200 Friday . Pay on gate or in advance if you'd prefer.