Hi again Fossie!
Thanks for the update regarding all things EuroKat.
But as you will have noticed the general interest among KatanaClub members in taking part has always been rather modest. As a "club" we do value your activities and enthousiasm for keeping the "Katana spirit" alive, but it seems Dutch enthousiasm is generally on a far lower -or at least different- level.
Still I'd like to be open minded and not rule anything out. Especially if some members feel they
do want to be part of the next Eurokat meeting or the one after that, I can only encourage them.
Also 2022 seems like a very long time in the future to me personally, but perhaps other members do plan things as far ahead as that.
Of course the NL can be a great place for large bike meetings, but will probably not measure up against the beautiful roads of Scotland. The NL are also very overcrowded, so to avoid getting stuck and making sure the "good spots" are visited, careful planning ahead is important.
As for potential venues etc, this is always tricky over here but there are a number of small bike campings around the country. But for organising events and such you'll need to get a permit, and hosting a rock band/disco comes with a lot more red tape.