nice picture, Pedda..

"missed badly"? well, I hope not.. judging by the number of Kats in the pics it seems the turnout was more than fine..

Correct. I wanted to talk you into organizing the next Eurokat in two years.
ah.. well thanks for offer.. I guess..

I'm not opposed to the idea in itself, but "we" actually know very little about the "EuroKat" and what it would involve organizing such an event in the NL.. is there such a thing as a set EuroKat-meeting format btw?
also 2014 is still a very long time away.. stating at this time to be able to organize such an event in two years time seems like an impossible claim to make..

but I guess in order to make such a decision as a club we need to discuss the idea and see if there's any support for it..
after all I'm just the webmaster..